How Do PCD Pharma Company Work
PCD stands for Propaganda Cum Distribution. The PCD or pharmaceutical franchise is a permit or permit issued by a pharmaceutical company that holds the rights of an individual or group to enable them to carry out any business activity, such as: Selling and promoting the company's products on terms and conditions agreed by mutual agreement. PCD Pharma Company Works The fundamentals in the pharmaceutical franchise and marketing are not that complex. It's so easy that you name a distributor for your business who, in addition to sales and delivery, will also do the marketing for you. The manufacturing costs of a molecule are the same in all cases, regardless of whether it is an ethical drug or a franchise For example, if the manufacturing cost of cefixime is X / -. It doesn't matter if you sell it on the ethical market, the franchise / PCD market, or the generic market. What makes the difference in price are the costs of marketing and distribution...